Meet Up #19: Mid Winter Meet Up

Our Mid Winter Meet Up was another excellent evening! With so many interesting speakers, on a range of topics from fog dispersal technology to commercialising research in aerospace, it was a great Meet Up. Not to mention the usual great networking with the Christchurch aerospace community!

Achieving AS9100D – Not As Tricky As You Think!
John Watt, Owner, Many Caps Consulting

AS9100 rev D is the quality management standard that we need to meet for the aerospace sector and achieving it can seem like a moon shot, but it shouldn’t. Like everything, it’s only tricky when you don’t know what to do, and it’s certainly easy to over complicate things. It’s not about creating mountains of paperwork; it’s about creating a business system that genuinely works for you, because it makes it easy for you to do things and becomes just the way you work every day. John gave us his top tips for a successful AS9100 system and the top mistakes to avoid!

How NZ Companies Can Contribute To Global Aerospace Development
Hugh Reynolds, Technical Director, AFCryo (Fabrum Solutions)

Hugh outlined some of their NASA projects along with the build of superconducting aviation motors, and the part cryogenics and plasma drives play. He expanded on where they want to influence the future of aviation with the convergence of superconducting hydrogen fuelled motors, and liquid hydrogen technology.

Supporting Commercialisation In The Aerospace Sector
Alexandra Stuthridge, Commercialisation Manager, KiwiNet

KiwiNet champions people who commercialise research by helping them to access the tools, connections, investment and support they need to create amazing new products and services. Alexandra discussed the innovation platform and the common goal of increasing the scale and impact of science and technology-based innovation, to maximise economic benefits to New Zealand.

The Art Of Fog Dispersal
Emily Blyth, CEO, Pyper Vision

Since the inception of flight, we have overcome many hurdles, developing aircraft that can operate in high winds, rain and snow. Yet low visibility, caused by fog, remains the largest weather-related disruptor. Emily talked through the history of fog dispersal, the lessons learnt along the way, and how their team at Pyper Vision are now eliminating fog from aerodromes, empowering flights to operate any time, every day. 

A special thank you to our Gold Event Sponsor Many Caps Consulting.


Engineering with Style – Fabrum and AFCryo


Cooking Up a Storm in Space with Dr Sarah Kessans